Makings of a Hero

All of us have at least one person we’ve looked up to at some point in our lives. I imagine what defines a person as a hero for people is as unique as we each are as individuals. 

I find myself drawn to both the character and intentions of those I admire and think of as role models.

Amy Carmichael is one of my most favorite historical figures, but she’s not well known by many. She bravely fought against both the stereotype of women in her day, as well as health issues. She discovered within her the deepest love for children and she gave of herself continuously, against the advice and concern for others– for the Glory of God. Her testimony is an incredible example  of faith and trust continuously met and blessed by God and His graceful provision.

Mother Teresa is also one I look at as maybe the most genuine and self-less person in the history of our world. She set out in obedience to God to treat every person, whether they agreed and reciprocated or not, with the love and kindness God continually poured into her heart. She held strong to her convictions and the path before her even when she didn’t feel God with her. 

Rosa Parks is also a dear favored role model I’ve chosen. She didn’t set out to be defiant or troublesome to her haters. She was true to herself, and she held her ground even when it got dangerous for her, because she had a need. Had she not gotten on that bus and sat down out of weariness, I wonder if she would have survived that day? Maybe we wouldn’t know her name or be influenced by her beautiful character. The world would have unknowingly suffered a tremendous loss. History would have been shaped a bit differently. 

Martin Luther King Jr. What can I say about him that has not already been said? He demonstrated Jesus as he was surrounded by nothing but hatred and animosity for one of the dumbest reasons in our world’s history– skin color. I have no doubt God rose him up. We are hard-pressed to find anyone today with the immense, pure character of a child of the Living God.

Having said that, I do recognize one who now has the mantle of Dr. Martin Luther King  Jr. His niece, Dr. Alveda King. She has the same mindset of saving as many from hatred and death as possible– with a desire to protect the unborn, dispensing the truth and fighting against the stronghold abortion has taken over our nation– her specific focus girls, women and babies withing the African-American communities. Her heart, efforts, and tenacious focus have marked her as one of the few true heroes of our country, especially within our culture today. May God continue to bless and protect her destiny and ministry in full abundance of His grace, mercy and provision. Such a tremendous woman, and it saddens me that so few actually recognize her or her true character. 

These are my heroes. There are a few others, but these have influenced my life the most.